Use the COLLECTION card as the OLD MAID card.
The dealer deals out all the cards to the players (generally some will have one more card than others - this does not matter). The players all look at their cards and discard any pairs (a pair is two cards with the same word).
The dealer begins. At your turn you must offer your cards spread face down to the player to your left. That player selects a card from your hand without seeing it, and adds it to her hand. If it makes a pair in her hand she discards the pair. The player who just took a card then offers her hand to the next player to her left, and so on.
If you get rid of all your cards you are safe and you take no further part. The turn passes to the next player to your left, who spreads his or her cards for the following player to draw one. Eventually all the cards will have been discarded except one, the old maid and the holder of this card loses.
There are many different variations that people play, so you may already know a slightly different version.
In lieu of saying, “GO FISH” we like to replace the word FISH with the title of the collection we are playing with. For example, if we are playing with a deck from the Luna collection, we would say, “Go Luna”.
If 2-4 people are playing, deal them 7 cards each. If more than 4 people are playing then each person gets 5 cards. Place the rest of the cards in the middle.
Players look at their cards to see if they have four of a kind. They are looking for 4 of the same word. If they do, they place it on the table as a match.
The player to the left of the dealer starts.
The player asks any other player for cards of a certain word. For example, if it was Milo’s turn, he could say, “Charlie do you have the word kiss?” If Charlie has any of those cards he would have to hand them ALL over. If Charlie didn’t have any, he would reply, “GO LUNA”. Milo then picks up one card from the pile in the middle. You must already have one or more cards before asking others for it. Milo couldn’t ask Charlie for a specific word if he didn’t have that card in his hand.
If a player gets cards from another person they go again. If they have to Go Luna then their turn is over and play goes onto the next person.
When a player makes four of the same word they can place it on the table.
If a player has no more cards then they may pick up 1 and ask for the cards of that word. If there are no more cards left in the pile then they are out of the game.
The winner is the player with the most matches.
GO ...
Deal cards back and forth so that each player has 26 cards. Do not look at your cards.
Each player plays a card at the same time and takes turns reading their word. Whoever has the highest number on the card wins and adds the cards to the bottom of their pile.
If both players have the same number on their cards, they play another card. The winner takes all the cards and adds them to the bottom of their pile.
If both players play the same exact card, it is a war. During a war, each player places three more cards, face-down, on the table and after, flip over a fourth card so that it is face up. Whoever’s card is the highest is the winner, they collect all the cards, 10 in total, and the next round begins. If the fourth cards are also the same, repeat the previous instructions until there is a winner.
This continues until one player wins all the cards.
If you wish to play with 3 or 4 players, follow the same directions listed above. However, when dealing each player should have 17 or 13 cards
Shuffle the cards and lay them face down in rows on the table. The first player turns over 2 cards and reads the words. If the words match, the player keeps the cards and tries again for another match. If they do not match the cards are turned over again and the player to the left takes a turn.
The objective is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards. This is a card game used to build word recognition, fluency, vocabulary and relationships!
Each player gets 7 cards.
The person left of the dealer starts the game and continues in a clockwise direction.
The player may play a card from their hand to the discard pile if the card either matches the color or the number of the card on top of the discard pile.
Players must read the card as it is played. If they do not and are called out, they must pick up an additional card.
A player can also play a Wild card or a Wild Draw 4 on top of any card.
If a player cannot play a card or chooses not to play a card, they must draw a card from the draw pile. If that card is playable, the player may play that card.
When a player plays their second to last card, they call out “WIGGLE IT” and actually have to wiggle. If they forget and are caught before the next player begins their turn, they draw two cards from the pile.
When a player plays their last card, they win.